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Meet Ashifa Asaria

Founder of Healthy Wild Living and a lover of nature!

My Story

Hi. I’m Ashifa, your certified WILDFIT Coach. 

I’m an avid hiker, Zumba lover, mother to a beautiful 9-year-old boy, and the founder of Healthy Wild Living. 


I’m so grateful to be part of this incredible experience, guiding so many towards a better, healthier version of themselves. I help people develop a new awareness around nutrition and their relationship with food, while building their confidence to make the right choices. I’ve seen amazing client transformations, from the improvement of Type 2 Diabetes, blood pressure and thyroid symptoms, decreased anxiety, reduction of skin irritations to enhanced energy and focus, reduction of inflammation, weight release, and so much more! 


My health journey started at a point in my life where I was spread thin between working full time and being a single mom, along with everything else I was juggling at the time. I thought I was doing all the rights things – keeping active, eating healthy (apparently!), and getting enough sleep, but I still felt exhausted. I was turning to sugar and coffee to get me through hectic days, leaving me with very little to give my son when he needed me most.

Frankly, I was overwhelmed and knew that I had to make a change, so I could give my son the love and attention he truly deserved. 


I came out of WildFit feeling focused, energized and completely realigned. I lost that afternoon slump, broke my coffee and sugar addiction, and I released 18lbs. My brain fog cleared, giving me the focus I needed to start achieving the goals I had been putting off. And most importantly, I gained much more energy, to focus on myself and my family. What is even more amazing, I am now entering peri menopause and have not had any symptoms.


Like most other people, I’ve tried many programs out there. WildFit is the only one that has created lasting change in my body and daily habits by teaching me the behavioral psychology principles behind food.


I’ve found something that I truly believe in, and I can’t wait to share it with you!


As your Certified WILDFIT coach, I’ll give you the tools to achieve more than you could ever do alone. I will listen to your needs, and support you throughout the program. I use my personal experience and natural health training to infuse enthusiasm and compassion into your journey, helping you work towards your health and wellness goals. 


"A​shifa is simply amazing! I love that the program provides the members with a supportive coach such as Ashifa. Ashifa is accepting, reassuring and caring. She focuses on the small accomplishments and encourages growth. I am pleased that she is available for individual counseling as the need arises. Whether it’s through FaceTime, text or a phone call, she is available to give advice and support. I also applaud Ashifa’s holistic counseling approach which includes meditation, positive encouragement and appreciation of self and others."

- Mary

I felt that you truly cared about each one of us. I loved getting posts from you on facebook. Whether it was recipes or articles. You helped to give us clarification for each of the videos and enhancements. You kept us on track during the calls. You gave enough time to your portion and then for sharing. You guided the sharing well with your questions. You followed up with us outside of the calls which really showed how much you cared about our progression and well-being. You kept it fun but also serious and made sure we got the info we needed. You were compassionate and knowledgeable. I thought you were fantastic!!!

- Zahra

Join me on this life-changing path towards food freedom!

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