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Healthy Wild Living

Vibrant Energy •  Flexible Lifestyle  • Longevity  • Weight Release 
Anchor 1

A Healthy Life Is Within Reach

  • Are you stuck in a cycle of being powerless over food?

  • Always being busy but never having the energy to achieve anything important, or the focus to reach your goals?

  • Are you in a vicious cycle with certain foods that you know are not so supportive?

  • Are you confused about what you should and shouldn’t eat?

WILDFIT 90 is a transformative health program that teaches you how to permanently change how you think about food, and what you eat. This is a food methodology that works for people who want to release weight, gain energy, stop being addicted to sugar and caffeine, for those who just don’t know what to eat anymore, or really for anyone who wants to live longer and with greater vitality. 


WILDFIT 90 will teach you how to train your brain to stop wanting foods that aren’t good for you and to start wanting foods that truly nourish and energize you. This is a program for sustainable and lifestyle transformation.

Meet Ashifa

Your Certified WILDFIT Coach 

Hi! I’m Ashifa, a busy single mom and a certified WILDFIT coach.


I help people redefine their relationship with food, giving them the knowledge to choose foods that truly nourish and energize their body. Say goodbye to the 3pm slump, coffee and sugar cravings, and being helpless over your food choices. Say hello to boosted energy, mental sharpness, deeper sleep, reduced inflammation in the body, and so much more! 


Learn more about my health journey and how I can help kickstart yours.


Feel Empowered Over Food. Love the Way You Look. Embrace a Healthier Lifestyle.

Total Food Freedom

Unlike other programs, there aren’t any rigid guidelines that teach you to fear food, rather you’ll learn how to choose satisfying, nutritional foods that fuel your body. You’ll have the freedom to choose if you want to enjoy the occasional glass of wine or nibble of cheese but in a healthy way. The program is designed to make you feel great without any restrictions or punishments. It’s about ultimate food freedom.

Master your mind

One of the program’s key components has nothing to do with food; it’s about your mindset and emotions. You won’t need willpower to fight food cravings. Instead, you’ll create a new consciousness around food which eliminates your cravings altogether. You’ll learn how to master your thoughts about food, so you’re in control of every single food choice you make.

Eat with your body's natural seasons

There’s a natural season for burning fat/weight loss, but most people spend their lives stuck in the season where that doesn’t happen. There are four different seasons that all provide important functions, which are kick-started by the types of food you eat. Learn what each season looks like, and which foods trigger your shift from one season to the next, depending on your health and wellness goals.

The Journey Towards Health Begins on the Path of Self Love. Begin Your Journey Today.

Why choose Ashifa as your certified WILDFIT?


  1. Ensure Your Success
    I’ll help you maintain your confidence, sustain your progress and encourage you to push for more. 


  2. Your Accountability Partner

    I’ll hold you accountable to your vision, reminding you of why you started, so you never lose sight of how far you’ve come and how close you are to reaching your goals.  To help you stay grounded I incorporate deep breathing, Emotional Freedom Technique, Qigong and guided mediations.

  3. Personalized Experience

    I’ll tailor your experience to your needs whether it’s in a small group setting or one-on-one format - no matter your food preferences (vegan, vegetarian, or just a fussy eater!). 

  4. Effective Tips & Tools

    I’ll equip you with supportive practices, tools, and recipes that cater to your tastebuds you can implement to guide you away from those cravings.

Book Now

Healthy Wild Living Programs

Reset Your Body • Reset Your Life • Eat The Way Nature Intended

Wildfit 90

Small-Group Setting.
Enjoy support from myself and a community who will cheer you on every step of the way. I also incorporate, tapping and guided meditations to help you stay grounded throughout the program. This program includes the WILDFIT Video program with weekly coaching support. 

One-On-One Coaching

Get my full attention in this individualized program, completely tailored to your schedule and needs. I also incorporate, tapping , qigong and guided meditations to help you stay grounded throughout the program. This program includes the WILDFIT Video program with weekly coaching support. 

Self Study

Video only. Does not include any coaching (accountability partner).

Self study coarse starts every Monday.


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